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Press Release: EFDSS

The English Folk Dance and Song Society has sent us its press release announcing the departure of its chief executive, Martin Frost. We're glad to publish it in full.

The Chief Executive of the English Folk Dance and Song Society, Martin Frost, has resigned to take up another appointment at a community arts centre in East London. Prior to his appointment at the EFDSS, Martin Frost had a number of appointments in a variety of similar centres. The EFDSS wishes Martin good luck in his new post.

During his time at the EFDSS, Martin Frost has developed several new initiatives to implement the organisation's Strategic Plan.

The EFDSS's governing body, the National Council, is now engaged in the appointment of a new Chief Executive who will take the organisation to the next stage in its strategic development.

In the meantime, the National Council and staff are considering the necessary short-term administrative and other changes to ensure that the important new initiatives continue.

The new initiatives include:

Root and Branch, a new CD package combining CD, articles, poster and photographs. This is a twice-yearly publication, and the first issue was released in November 1999. It has already received some excellent media coverage, including a Radio 2 feature. The second issue will be published in March 2000.

Root Source: The Folk Directory is an annual publication of the EFDSS. It is being re-launched in May 2000 under the title Root Source, as the principal information guide for the folk arts. Root Source is edited for the EFDSS by Alan Bearman.

Concerts: After two successful seasons of concerts at Cecil Sharp House, the EFDSS's London headquarters building in Camden Town, the third season -- from January to April 2000 -- will contain some top class names including Cosmotheka, Sisters Unlimited and Brass Monkey.

All enquiries about this press release: Brenda Godrich (Chair of the National Council): 0171-607 8975 (tel and fax);
E-mail: vic&
Derek Schofield (Vice-Chair of the National Council): 01270-663041 (tel and fax); 01270-654654 (tel in day).


Donkey news item: EFDSS boss departs after blowing out cobwebs

EFDSS Web Site

©1999 Simon Pipe, Mark Rogers, The Outside Capering Crew

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